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Using Socratic Questioning

Socratic questioning refers to teaching through questioning and classroom discussion. When the instructor leads the discussion, students are encouraged to ask and answer questions. By facilitating this questioning method instructors can have their students explore difficult concepts and unique solutions. Students are encouraged to probe questions and search for reasons and evidence in this discussion.

  1. This versatile teaching strategy can be used in K-12 and in college environments. Older students may be more capable of thinking critically and contribute to provocative discussion.
  2. Explores course material.
  3. Encourages creativity and brainstorming.
  4. Focuses attention on specific problems.

The Socratic Method works most effectively if important questions are planned ahead of time so that structure remains throughout the conversation. Questions should be clear and specific giving students ample time to understand what they are being asked. Throughout the discussion it is most important to consistently summarize and only use open-ended questions. Some instructors use exclusive question-question scenarios where all questions should be answered with a more specific question.

  1. Instructor leads discussion.
  2. Instructor invites students into discussion.
  3. Instructor asks questions for clarification.
  4. Students are asked to probe assumptions.
  5. Instructor asks students to provide reason and evidence for their assertions

  1. For learners who like to engage in discussion, but require a safe environment.
  2. For scholars who want to understand how their perspectives inform their opinions.
  3. For students who have an active dialogue and relationship with their instructor or school.