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Think-Pair-Share is a teaching model that allows students to ask each other questions in pairs or small groups. In this learning environment, students can generate productive dialogue and discussions and allows shy students who do not generally participate in group discussions the chance to discuss their opinions in a more comfortable setting. The goal of this strategy is to encourage more student responses and in turn promote higher level thinking.

  1. This is mainly directed for K-12 educators.
  2. Students can participate in a stress-free class environment.
  3. Encourages dialogue and conversation with other students.
  4. A fluid activity such as this one allows for effective learning in large group settings.
  5. Quick-response think-pair-share.
  6. Extended think-pair-share.

  1. Ask a question (open-ended questions tend to generate more thoughts).
  2. Allow students to think individually and generate answers.
  3. Allow students to pair off into groups. Smaller groups allow students more time to share.
  4. Ask pairs or groups to contribute their responses to the larger group.

Think-pair-share can be very beneficial when students in a large classroom setting are asked to discuss difficult concepts. This strategy allows students to break down difficult material and independently generate thoughts and answers. Think-pair-share also promotes classroom dialogue. One must make sure that questions are sufficiently engaging or students may not be productive or engaged. Responses generated in these sessions could be used on exams as a motivator to keep students actively involved. An alternative to think-pair-share is write-pair-share where students are able to flesh out ideas and articulate thoughts in writing. Write-pair-share is especially useful if graphs or dense informational material is involved.